The faculty changes every year.
2025 Summer Intensive School faculty, lecturers, & visiting artists.
Lead Faculty
Stanley Lewis - painting
Rachel Rickert - painting
Ken Kewley - collage
Timothy King - drawing
Amy Erickson - drawing
Studio Seminar Faculty
Visiting Artists, Critics & Lecturers
several more or so to be announced.
Support Faculty
Barbara Grossman (drawing)
Jay Noble (painting, drawing, studio seminar, Executive Director)
Artist Staff
Marisa Smith Alberts - Executive Assistant
Shauna Marley - Operations Assistant
Faculty, critics and lecturers change each year. See past faculty and critics below.
Michael Allen, Martha Armstrong*, Stanley Lewis*, Carrie Patterson*, Brian Rego*, Tim Kennedy*, Amber Scoon, Michael Amendolara, Glenn Goldberg, Tai Lipan, Ro Lohin, Eve Mansdorf, Quinn McNichol, Rachael Wren
Michael Allen, Martha Armstrong, Alix Bailey, Mark Brosseau, Bruce Garrity, Morgan Hobbs, Eric Holzman, Jacob Janes**, Kurt Moyer, Sam Kelly*, Ying Li* Jay Noble, Misato Pang**, Lorna Ritz
Ophir Agassi, Suzanne Dittenber, Barbara Grossman, Melanie Johnson*, Todd Kelly*, Mark Lewis*, Michael McCaffrey*, Amanda Millis, John Mitchell*, Jay Noble, Stephanie Pierce, Celia Reisman, Robert Werbicki, Rachel Wren
Alex Cohen, Martin Dull, Elizabeth Flood, Sam Kelly**, Benjamin King, Aubrey Levinthal, Deirdre Murphy, Jay Noble, Sarah Noble, Kristen Peyton**, E.M. Saniga, Amber Scoon*, Ty Smith*, Kyle Staver, John David Wissler
Michael Allen, Dorothy Frey, Barbara Grossman*, Josephine Halvorson, Ken Kewley*, Catherine Lepp*, Heidi Leitzke, John Mitchell, Jay Noble, Thaddeus Radell, Erin Raedeke, Giordanne Salley, Bill Scott, Scott Ramming*, Kimberly Trowbridge*, Bill White
Michael Allen, John Dubrow, Dorothy Frey, John Goodrich, Al Gury, Deborah Kahn, Anki King, Tai Lipan, Heidi Leitzke, Matthew Lopas*, Margaret McCann, John Mitchell, Heather Morgan, Matthew Murphy, Jay Noble, Scott Smith*, Clintel Steed, Alexandria Tarver, Megan Williamson, John David Wissler
Michael Allen, Chris Dolan*, Dorothy Frey, Elizabeth Geiger*, Judy Glantzman, Stanley Grand, Matt Klos, John Lee*, Ro Lohin*, Amy Mahnick, Daniel Massad, Heather Morgan, Jay Noble, Elizabeth Osborne, Chris Semergieff, Ty Smith
Michael Allen, Nancy Barnes*, Robert Barnes, Glen Cebulash, Dorothy Frey, Barbara Grossman, Al Gury, Ken Kewley, Stanley Lewis, Ying Li*, Ro Lohin, Paul Manlove*, Jay Noble, Matt Phillips, Thaddeus Radell, Rebecca Saylor Sack, Elise Schweitzer, Bill White, Kevin Wixted
Michael Allen, Catherine Drabkin*, Al Gury, Ken Kewley, Sam King, Paul Manlove, Kristin Musgnug, Jay Noble, Carrie Patterson, Stephanie Pierce*, Eleanor Ray, Jeffrey Reed, Brian Rego*, Jennifer Samet, Lou Schellenberg, Brett Baker, Bill Scott, Mark Lewis.*
Michael Allen, Martha Armstrong*, Ruth Bernard, Gideon Bok, Steve Cope, Chris Dolan, Dorothy Frey, Xico Greenwald*, Barbara Grossman, Al Gury, Deborah Kahn, Ken Kewley, Brian Kreydatus*, Susan Lichtman, Lynette Lombard*, Jay Noble, Amber Scoon
Michael Allen, Bill Barnes, Victoria Barnes*, Ruth Bernard, Aaron Brooks, Linda Carey*, Tim Conte, Glen Cebulash*, Dorothy Frey, Stanley I Grand, Barbara Grossman, Al Gury, Deborah Kahn, Don Kimes, Heidi Leitzke, Jay Noble, Paul Manlove, Margaret Noel, Celia Reisman, Amber Scoon, Chris Semergieff*, Kristina Valentine, Mark Webber, John David Wissler
*lead instructors
**Four Pillars artists in residence